There are mornings when my girls take almost an hour to get dressed and ready in the morning. Why? I have no clue. There are days when my oldest seems to have forgotten every math fact from essential addition to division. There are days when the middle daughter can't sit still and is more consumed. They are just as many days that our littlest is just not having our school time, and I have to stop what I am doing with my older girls and rearrange our school day. Those are just some days, though, and some of our struggles. Throw in outside forces telling you that your doing something wrong, that your kids will be awkward and weird for homeschooling. What about your house out of control, laundry piled higher than the ceiling allows? Just like everything in one's life, we sometimes can get overwhelmed. Homeschooling is not different, and Yep, homeschooling isn't always sunshine and rainbows either.
I'm here to tell you that it is ok to hit the reset button, and it is ok to take a step back and reevaluate your homeschooling. You do not have to quit homeschooling. Let me say that again. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO QUIT HOMESCHOOLING! In our homeschooling journey, I have had several times where I felt like throwing in the towel and just giving up. In my mind, I couldn't see past the pile-up of everything return tog that seemed to be going wrong steadily.