For part of 2025, I have decided to do blog posts centering around frequently asked home school questions. I have been asked these questions or seen them in various online spaces. In this post, we will discuss what exactly homeschooling is.
A quick Google search tells us that homeschooling is defined as educating (one's child) at home instead of sending them to school. A simple enough definition, right? Ask any homeschooling parent, though, and it is much more than that. To most, homeschooling is more than an academic education.
A parent or a guardian is a child's primary educator. They then facilitate a learning environment unique to each child's needs. Most homeschooling learning occurs in the home but is not limited to that space. Some homeschooling families feel that their children are always learning (which they are). Those lessons aren't always black-and-white academic subjects. Children learn all day through play, explorations, chores, or in "scheduled" academics.
Homeschooling can certainly include many life-skill lessons alongside the building of familial and community relationships. This is why you will see many different types of homeschooling families (look for more in-depth on types of homeschooling later in this series). To many homeschooling, the most accurate definition is that the parent or guardian is the facilitator. So, typically, those who use public school online at home are not homeschooling. They are simply schooling at home. Yes, a parent often has to intervene and do other things. Still, when instruction and evaluation aren't directly from the parent or guardian, it is farther away from homeschooling. In these situations, parents are not leading the majority of the learning, and the student still has to report to someone else.
Now, homeschool families can seek outside help or supplementation by joining homeschool groups, co-ops, tutors, or online courses. However, most of their education is received at home, with the parents leading.
Seems almost too easy. When it is what you feel called to do for your child and your family, it truly is. Homeschooling simply is truly educating your child at home. Seem overwhelming? You are not alone. At one time or another, most homeschool parents feel overwhelmed or inadequate. I even felt this easy, especially in the beginning. Homeschooling, however, has a fantastic community of parents willing to help and help navigate the ins and outs of homeschooling.
I hope this post has answered any questions you may have about what homeschooling is. If not, feel free to comment under this blog post or contact me via our Facebook Page or Instagram. If you want more in-depth conversations, check out our Facebook Parent Group.
Remember that this post is part of a series of FAQ's regarding homeschooling. This is the proposed schedule of past and future topics:
How do I start?
Am I even qualified to Teach My Child?
Who Holds You Accountable?
But What About Graduating and Issuing a Diploma?
What Should My Child Be Learning?
How Do I Choose Curriculum and What About the Cost?
How Long Does It Actually Take?
But What About Socialization?
What is the Hardest Part?
What Types of Schooling Are There?
What Do I Need to Home school?
How Can I Be Around My Kid All Day?