3rd Quarter Wrap-Up 2020: Thumper Kinder-1st Grade

3rd Quarter Wrap-Up 2020: Thumper Kinder-1st Grade


In history Thumper has finished up her brief introduction to World History, we also studied world cultures as we discussed homes, cities and towns, clothing, sports, schools and people, music, art, myths and religions around the world through Sonlight’s Core A.  We have also discussed and studied mountains and we ended the quarter studying jungles.


In addition to her history studies I have al read to her from “Capyboppy”, “The Light at Turn Rock”, Richard Scarey’s “Please and Thank You Book”, and “Dr. Doolittle.  At the end of the quarter we began reading “Mary on Horse Back”

Thumper is a few lessons shy of finishing MUS’s Alpha level this quarter.  So, she will be on track to finish it, I believe, in November.  She has been working on subtraction of 9’s, 8’s, doubles, making 10, making 9, the subtraction extras and ended the quarter subtracting by 7’s. 

I was not expecting thumper to complete AAR level 1 so quickly.  I had expected her to be maybe finishing around the end of our school year, but she surprised me and kept getting things faster and faster with each new lesson.  SO, she finished level 1 at the end of July.  Since I wasn’t expecting her to finish quite so soon, I was not prepared and did not have level 2 with us (lesson learned for next year).  We spent the rest of the quarter reviewing and re-reading the three readers from the level.  I know from past experience with using the program with Mouse that the first lesson or two in the next level is review, so we might be able to bypass those when we get the new level at home in October.  I also added in having her read BOB books level one and two. Which she has enjoyed.


Next quarter I anticipate starting AAR level 2 with her and having her finish up MUS’s Alpha and maybe even start a few lessons of Beta before we end of the year.  I’m taking a break on her copy work this next quarter and going through with her being able to work better on her letter formation.  She has had a tendency to rush through her writing and while its legible I think now is the time to work on neatness, before we get to begin a formal writing program or spelling with her next year.